It's a mad mad mad mad dash for cash when an infamous HEIRESS comes out of the decade-long seclusion that followed the death of her BILLIONAIRE PHILANTHROPIST husband and offers 10% of her fortune if one of the three best MATCHMAKERS in the world can introduce her to a new husband even better than her notoriously perfect first. Her peculiar caveats- the man must a) never have heard of her or her husband, b) be able to make her laugh, and c) be able to answer a riddle she's created- give the matchmakers (the CON-ARTIST, the ROMANTIC and the GOLD-DIGGER) lots to do as they scramble to find... or create MR. RIGHT in one week's time.
"The best matchmakers in the world have met their match."
1 day ago
holy shit. that could get made. i would not go see it, but it could definitely get made. you continue to amaze word dude.
Mr. CFA: Preeshes for saying "that could get made."
That is really the whole point of this project, to create pitches in 30 minutes in my robe in the morning that people can easily visualize as a movie, and hopefully one they might even rather go see than the latest studio retread.
As far as not going to see it... maybe if Mrs. CFA wanted to go you'd take her?
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