Monday, August 17, 2009


I'm afraid it's over.


knowhereman said...


Mr. Word Player said...

Judging by the overwhelming response here today, that makes two of us.

Somsara said...

182 pitches is nothing to sniff at - I still deem this project a complete success!

knowhereman said...

agreed Somsara! well done David

Anonymous said...

Yes, very impressive

dwr said...

Still a badass achievement, by any account.

David E. said...

What the hell? I was promised 365 pitches. By God I better get them! Seriously though, even if you had set the goal of one a week, I'd still would have been way impressed (and you did almost 4 years of work by that standard). BUT...I wonder if you had a particularly rough day, too much work, travel, etc. and had to skip a day and that was enough to break the chain. as Bela once said: YOU CAN DO IT!

Anonymous said...

Yes, 182 horrible pitches is impressive.

Spend the next six months writing one good one.

Mr. Word Player said...

I'm impressed that you kept reading through all of them (final tally was 169, not 182) even though you thought them so horrible. Where would the world be without masochism?

Anonymous said...

I also read cartoons. Although some of your pitches were just boring, some were comically amusing in their ineptitude.

How'd it go? Any studios want to buy one? Any writers beg you to write a draft and give you story credit?

Mr. Word Player said...

Anonymously kicking people while they're down. You're an inspiration to us all.